At Holy Trinity we have strong congregational singing at the 9:30am Sunday Service. We sing hymns and settings of parts of the Eucharist such as the Gloria, Gospel Alleluia and Responses, and parts of the Eucharistic Prayer. The singing is led by Holy Trinity’s organ usually played by our Musician in Residence Paul Carr, or one of our Associate Organists Matt Davies and Paul Hodgetts. Organ music is also used to give a lift to various parts of the service or to provide a prayerful background.
The organ is also played for weddings, funerals and other occasional services both to lead the singing and to play music to create the right atmosphere for the service.

Sunday Afternoon Organ Music
Paul Carr, plays a 45-minute programme of organ music on the first Sunday in every month at 3:00pm. Admission is free with a retiring collection towards the maintenance and care of Holy Trinity’s fine pipe organ.
Follow the Sunday Afternoon Organ Music page on Facebook
Details of other musical activities, including Holy Trinity Choral Society and bell ringing can be found on the Community Page